Upcoming Events
We work with parents and other local community organizations to define future topics that are important, timely, and relevant. In addition to our free educational parenting events, we put the “fun” in fundraising and host a variety of events to raise funds for PNW Parent Education. Below is a list of our upcoming events. You can also sign-up to be notified of upcoming events here.
Here’s a link to the PNW Parent Education Event Calendar on Google Calendar. All our events will be added to your Google Calendar view without you needing to add it. Event info and a link to register for each individual event also included in the calendar event note section of all events.
Looking for past-event info?
You can find our past educational parenting events here and past event resources here.
NEW in 2025! - Partnership with Ryther!
We are so excited to announce a new partnership with Ryther.
Ryther provides youth mental health services to kids, teens and young adults. They offer treatment for anxiety, eating disorders, depression, and substance use. Ryther’s mission is to provide exceptional therapeutic services to young people who are struggling emotionally and behaviorally so they may find a path to healing and hope.
After each of our 2025 Parent Education events, for 30 minutes, there will be a facilitated Q&A with a licensed professional from Ryther. Feel free to stay on, or just join for this part if you have a specific question.
Beyond All or Nothing: A Pragmatic Approach to Social Technologies
DATE: THURSDAy, APRIL 3, 2025, 12-1 pm
3 time New York Times best-selling author and TED Talk expert, Dr. Lisa Damour will return to talk about a practical approach to social technologies (ie; texting, social media).
We’ll discuss a practical way to think about social technologies and how to:
Set pragmatic boundaries around social technologies
Address the harms of problematic social media use
Body image, eating disorders, hate content
Stay engaged and model healthy use
Adolescent Substance Use; Factors and Actions Within Your Control as a Parent
DATE: THURSDAy, May 29th 2025, 12-1 pm
Brock Gjesdal, co-founder of the former Washington-based organization, Know Before We Grow, a 5th-12th grade youth education platform that taught students the physical mechanisms through which neurons develop and transfer electrical signals, and how these mechanisms are disrupted by substances such as alcohol and nicotine. Brock Brock is now a medical student at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (UPSOM) and will continue to teach this curriculum to high school students while in Pittsburgh.
Brock has partnered with behavioral psychologists and physicians in the Pittsburgh area to create a brief, yet comprehensive presentation on scientifically studied risk and preventative factors of youth substance use that he will be presenting to parents across the country. Brock’s presentation specifically discusses multiple actionable steps you can take as a parent to reduce your child’s risk of substance use disorder development in both childhood and adulthood.